Fake News Censorship and Discernment

I am now a committed writer, and at the beach I was thinking about efforts to finish Matriellez and the Treatise.

Since starting Matriellez there has been the emergence of the right – Trump Brexit and elsewhere. Fake News had been originally the accusation of leftie conspiracy theorists like me, but it has now become mainstream attacks on Fake News. This has got to have an impact on education.

Undoubtedly with the rise of the alt-right education has completely failed. Teachers have been pigeon-holed as leftie liberals and whilst there is truth in this, that is far too simplistic. A new way of teaching is required to deal with these manipulations.

First and foremost there has to be an end to classroom censorship along the lines that students can’t cope. There was a liberal ill-conceived approach of mollycoddling students so that they would not be exposed to the worst sort of indoctrination. Instead of that working, students as usual were alienated from teachers and some have become attracted to the alt-right as an alternative to liberalism.

Let’s examine liberalism in schools. Now what happens in discussions on social issues in schools. Teachers are supposed to present a balanced viewpoint so there is a sea-saw in which the distance between the two ends of left and right is very small. This is ludicrously artificial. Students often do not fall between these arbitrary extremes – especially on the right. Students are expected to fall between this balanced spectrum, and in discussions teachers direct students within these limits. This is censorship.

The consequence of this censorship is that students repress their views, and seek support outside of education where they might be able to learn. It is this censorship that leads to the alt-right pigeon-holing of PC and liberalism.

What I experienced was totally different. I was not liberal, I was genuine left and my views were considered too extreme. In fact I never believed that students should follow my views. What I do believe is that students should be exposed to all views and learn to discern what is the truth for them. It is discernment we should be teaching and not views. End the sea-saw and teach discernment.

It is my view that a teacher as in any other situation of moderation should express their view so that the students know and draw conclusions for themselves. But then in discussion the teachers should not participate whilst maintaining facilitative control. In this way I feel the spectrum widens.

With the widening spectrum more views could well be expressed. Students must feel they have the freedom to express their views. I had a recent discussion in which a white student who was regularly attacked by black bullies to get dinner money etc. felt that he could not describe his experience in a majority black school. All people should have been aware of his experience and further all people should know that the school avoided trying to resolve this criminal bullying (hiding behind race). This could only come out if all people were aware of the problem.

The classroom needs to be seen as a protected environment – a commitment from all students that nothing said will be responded to outside. The classroom needs also to be seen as a non-insulting environment. “White people not allowed to use the word “nigger” whilst black people can” is an appropriate topic for discussion but not if people in the room feel they have the right to insult others. To determine whether an insult has occurred would be the right of the class. The teaching point is discernment and not views.

This discernment can be then extrapolated to consideration of “fake news”, and the teaching point that is needed is that students should not accept anything unless they know it to be true. This creates difficulty for education because liberal education tends to present its own viewpoint as truth and eschew other viewpoints – censorship. It is this censorship that has enabled the alt-right to influence ignorant minds. Such minds are willing to accept as truth statements that many including factcheck organisations dismiss as lies because that truth fits in with a particular cultural outlook – often racist. If those minds were used to being heard, if their views were expressed and accepted as experience as opposed to being confronted by liberalism. If white youth feel fear on black streets that fear should be expressed. If black people say “man up” every black person suffers from racism and has to deal with it. That also needs to be heard. At present neither is, as it is not liberal.

It is important to recognise that liberal censorship is in operation and that this censorship has been manipulated into being a significant factor in the move to the right. Such censorship needs to end and genuine education by understanding as opposed to liberal imposition needs to be the modus operandi.

It is not likely that liberals will give up their foothold.

Books:- Treatise, Wai Zandtao Scifi, Matriellez Education.

Blogs:- Ginsukapaapdee, Mandtao, Zandtao.


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